Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Organisational Behaviour Job Satisfaction

Organisational Behaviour Job Satisfaction An employee’s degree of contentment in a particular task is referred to as job satisfaction. Various facets of a job may be liked or disliked by an employee. Job satisfaction can also be measured using feelings or cognition of the needs of workers.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Organisational Behaviour: Job Satisfaction specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, employers should put in place strategic employee recognition systems and reasonable reward plans in order to boost job satisfaction. The effects of job satisfaction can be best understood using the EVLN (Exit-Voice-Loyalty-Neglect) model. When an employee leaves a situation, it is referred to as exit. Any change attempt is known as voice. However, patient employees are known to be loyal (Seo, Park, Kim, 2011). Finally, paying minimal attention or reducing work effort amounts to neglect, according to the EVLN theory. Wendy attempted the exit option when she requested for a month’s leave from work due to workplace challenges. She hoped that the situation would normalise in her absence. She also voiced her concerns and grievances through the outburst she created at Tanya’s office door. Tanya responded by neglecting her anger and went ahead with her duties as if everything was normal. It is also apparent that an employee like Freda opted to remain loyal to the nurse manager irrespective of the negative influence created by Wendy at workplace. There are high chances that Wendy may exit the clinic in future, because her ambitions were not met after she failed the interview. She also refused to accept the outcome of the interview. Wendy’s relationship with other employees may be significantly affected in future.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Consequently, the poor relationship will impede bot h the quality and quantity of production at the clinic. Tanya should present Wendy’s case to the top management of the clinic and also propose an immediate suspension pending the determination of her case. If the strategy is not taken, patients will not be protected as required. The clinics reputation will also be lowered. Inciting other employees may equally reduce efficiency levels of the workforce (Skarlicki Rupp, 2010). Tanya needs to understand that the motivation of employees is determined my myriads of factors. There is an urgent need for Tanya to use various modalities to motivate employees. The four drive theory states that choices are made based on the four key aspects namely, acquisition, defence, creation and bondage (Ibrahim Dickie, 2010). The theory will allow Tanya to identify Wendy’s drives at workplace. By attempting to satisfy the workforce, she will solve an existing problem. The drive to acquire will assist Tanya to understand how individual emplo yees strive to belong in the workplace. The creation drive will assist Tanya to forge unity and team work at the workplace environment. As much as Wendy has a serious concern at hand, it is important for Tanya to employ the equity theory, since it defines and gauges the relative satisfaction of workers. It is necessary for employees to strike a balance between their input in an organization and the associated benefits. Wendy and other employees can be satisfied using the aforementioned techniques.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Organisational Behaviour: Job Satisfaction specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The incident clearly showed that Wendy has a strong drive to acquire the status of a nurse manager. Tanya can try to make her useful by requesting her opinion regarding staff management issues so that she can gain a sense of belonging. This will create a harmonious working atmosphere for Tanya (Ibrahim Dickie, 2010) . Tanya should request all employees to offer their best efforts while at work and assure them that any opportunities to advance education or attend a seminar will be granted to them whenever deemed necessary (Tremblay, Blanchard, Taylor, Pelletier, Villeneuve, 2009). The latter approach will obviously motivate the workforce. Tanya should discuss with the management how the reputation of the clinic can be restored in order to satisfy employees’ self-drive to define and ability to defend the corporate culture. Additionally, increasing pay rates based on performance will motivate employees, because remuneration is a major motivating factor. References Ibrahim, E. Dickie, C. (2010). A conceptual model of the human resource climate dimensions that influence the development of workplace relationships. Journal of Research Practice in Human Resource Management, 18(2), 47-60. Seo, Y., Park, S. Kim, C. (2011). An Empirical Study on the Effects of Organisational Cynicism and EVLN R esponses on Organisational Commitment and Pro-union behavioural Intentions. International Journal of Contents, 7(2), 36-41. Skarlicki, D.P. Rupp, D. E. (2010). Dual processing and organisational justice: The role of rational versus experiential processing in third-party reactions to workplace mistreatment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95(5), 944-952. Tremblay, M. A., Blanchard, C.M., Taylor, S., Pelletier, L.G. Villeneuve, M. (2009). Work Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation Scale: Its value for organisational psychology research. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 41(4), 213-226.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More

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