Sunday, November 3, 2019

COPD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

COPD - Essay Example The diagnosis of the last visit was emphysema that was ruled out from the X-Ray report that indicated an increased AP diameter and hyperinflation of both lungs. However, the patient rejected the endorsed pulmonary function trials and did not want to be admitted in the hospital. She was discharged, and the doctor prescribed antibiotics and inhaler as treatment to enhance her condition. To conclude that the patient suffered from emphysema, it was necessary to carry out the chest X-ray (Cohn & Brower, 2012). The results showed hyperinflation of both lungs that had an enlarged AP diameter. Based on the patient’s complaints the diagnosis of dyspnea and cough is made. For further analysis, pneumonia is a likely illness because of the high fevers of 101 degrees, hence a need to carry out the appropriate tests. In addition, on percussion of her chest a dullness sound was heard which is an indication of pneumonia. In order to confirm the COPD diagnosis and measure the severity of the obstruction, other diagnostic trial, for instance, spirometry is critical (Lam, 2014). On the other hand, the laboratory tests include ÃŽ ±l-antitrypsin and hemoglobin/hematocrit levels. Lack of ÃŽ ±l-antitrypsin is a risk factor for OCPD and the hemoglobin/hematocrit levels determine the extent of hypoxemia. It is also crucial to consider sleeplessness as a diagnosis since the patient suffers from orthopnea. I gained further understanding that COPD consists of emphysema and bronchitis. I also gained insight on the difference between COPD, asthma and pneumonia. In addition, I gained knowledge on the significance of adherence to recommended treatment and physical exercise to limit the continuation of COPD. I also comprehended the different levels of COPD and that taking a balanced diet is paramount in minimizing exacerbations. Moreover, it is important to receive pneumonia vaccines in every five years as well as influenza vaccine annually to avoid

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